Are you tired of being overworked & underpaid?


Let us “Rescue Your Bookkeeping Business”


Whether you're a fresh-faced freelancer venturing into the world of bookkeeping or a seasoned pro running a successful six-figure firm, you may sometimes find yourself overwhelmed by the constant demands of managing clients, staying up-to-date with industry regulations, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It can feel like an uphill battle at times, with limited resources and a lack of support. But here, you'll discover a thriving community of bookkeepers who have faced similar challenges and emerged stronger. We believe that by coming together and sharing our experiences, we can overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success.

All The Tools You Need To Maintain A Successful Business

Our programs offer more than just guidance; we provide you with the tools and knowledge to transform your bookkeeping business into a thriving enterprise. Our proven strategies and comprehensive resources are designed to empower you, no matter where you are on your journey. You'll gain the skills to streamline your processes, attract high-value clients, and build a sustainable business that fuels your passion. Together, we'll unlock the full potential of your bookkeeping career and help you realize the financial freedom and fulfillment you've always dreamed of.

Our Programs

The Rescue My Bookkeeping Business Facebook Community

A free community where you will find empowerment to step into the CEO role of your bookkeeping business.  We offer free co-working events and monthly webinars.  Join thousands of other bookkeepers, just like you - here we're a community not competition.

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The Bookkeeper Bestie Club

A monthly membership consisting of 4 monthly meetings - three live trainings and a Q+A session, access to all previously recorded trainings, group Voxer access, monthly content feedback, and access to The Bookkeeper's Blueprint Academy

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The Bookkeeper's Advisory Roadmap

Raise the "BAR" in your bookkeeping business by offering advisory services. This group coaching program will navigate through how to read financial statements, how to offer advisory services, tax planning techniques and much more! Take your business to the next level!

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Virtual VIP Day

It's a day for you to recalibrate your mindset and focus on your business, so you can go after your goals with confidence. It's also your time to identify areas of mindset blocks and move through the overwhelm to start growing your business.

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The Bookkeeper's Blueprint Academy

A twelve module course and group coaching program designed for bookkeeper's who are ready to build the foundations of their bookkeeping business. Focused on systems & processes, mindset, finding your ideal client, tech, marketing and pricing.

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Level Up

This 1:1 coaching program. Our time together will be focused only on the needs of your business to be able to hit the next level.  We will take a deep dive audit into your strengths & weaknesses to create a plan that's custom to you.  

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Hey, I'm Stephanie!

Thirteen years ago I started my own bookkeeping business after taking over my mom's bookkeeping practice.  It made perfect sense since it's the only business I had ever known.  I learned very quickly that the business model was not going to work for me.  I was charging low rates, had clients that expected the world from me and I was working around the clock - and don't even get me started about tax season!

I always knew there had to be a better way.  I knew this business wasn't going to be sustainable.  Either I was going to go bankrupt or I was going to go insane!  I took a week off from client work and got very clear on my vision for my business and my life.  I mapped out what changes had to be made and I got to work.  

Now my business profits over six figures a year and I work only a few hours a week in the business.  I have the most amazing clients who's business I am genuinely interested in helping and honored to be a part of.

This is exactly why I started coaching other bookkeepers.  I want others in the industry to be able to create a business that allows them to live out their desired life too.

Get In Touch

Have questions? Drop a message below and I'll reach out as soon as possible!

Frequently Asked Questions