Tired of being Overworked & Underpaid?

Discover how to transform your bookkeeping business to
rescue your time and get paid what you’re worth.
Get Started Now

Let me guess…

You lay awake at night stressed about your business. You often feel lonely, frustrated and there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get it all done.

You're stressed about the work that you have to get done or the possible missed deadlines.

You are beyond being sick & tired of low paying clients that demand you to be at their beckon call all the time.

You feel like you're more of an employee than a business owner since you're chained to your desk 12+ hours a day staring at a computer screen while missing time with your family to make sure you meet another deadline.


But here’s the thing…

you’re not alone!

So many bookkeepers have been exactly where you are, myself included, but
running a bookkeeping business doesn’t have to be this way.


Marketing, workflows and pricing are thorns in many bookkeeping business owner’s side, and it all comes to a head when we hit burnout. But what if you could have…

  • Total confidence that your systems are working while you sleep?

  • Assurance that your service offerings and pricing are right for you and your clients?

  • A marketing plan that captures quality leads?

You can have all of those things with

The Bookkeeper’s Blueprint Academy

A comprehensive course and group coaching program that will give you the tools necessary to start and grow your bookkeeping business.

Get Started

Hi, I'm Stephanie!

Thirteen years ago I started my own bookkeeping business after taking over my mom's bookkeeping practice.  It made perfect sense since it's the only business I had ever known.  I learned very quickly that the business model was not going to work for me.  I was charging low rates, had clients that expected the world from me and I was working around the clock - and don't even get me started about tax season!

I always knew there had to be a better way.  I knew this business wasn't going to be sustainable.  Either I was going to go bankrupt or I was going to go insane!  I took a week off from client work and got very clear on my vision for my business and my life.  I mapped out what changes had to be made and I got to work.  

Now my business profits over six figures a year and I work only a few hours a week in the business.  I have the most amazing clients who's business I am genuinely interested in helping and honored to be a part of.

This is exactly why I started coaching other bookkeepers.  I want others in the industry to be able to create a business that allows them to live out their desired life too.


Modules Included:

Create a Strategic
Business Plan

Every business needs a set of goals to map out what's ahead. We will discuss your mission and vision for your business.

Stepping into a CEO Mindset

Learn the habits of becoming a CEO.  We will discuss mindset blocks like imposter syndrome, fear of failure and success, and doing things scared.

Finding Your Ideal

In these trainings we will discuss how to determine who is your ideal client, and how to narrow down the perfect niche for your business.

Enhance & Grow

Effectively create marketing strategies to find and keep the clients that are right for your bookkeeping business.

Product & Service Offerings

I will walk you through the process of converting from an hourly rate to offering value based pricing for your clients. You'll learn how to create packages of your services for your clients.

Pricing for Profit

This module will walk you through how to price each client correctly so that you're making a profit.  No more guessing what you should be charging.

Creating Your Unique Brand 

Let's talk logos, brand image, color scheme and other things that set you apart from your competition.

From Contact to Contract

These modules will walk you through every step from the time a client reaches out inquiring about your services until they sign the contract.

Bookkeeping Tasks Workflows

Having systems in place for your daily, weekly and monthly bookkeeping tasks is essential to running a 6-figure business.  These modules will walk you through how to create these processes.

Marketing to Your Ideal Client

These modules will guide you through how to find your ideal clients, how to guide them through the sales process, and how to create social media content (with ease).

Building Your Ideal Tech Stack

From online software, apps and hardware, having a good tech stack is super important to growing your business. We will review my favorite and share behind the scenes.

Operational Risks & Compliance

These modules are designed to make sure your business is set up properly and you've put in place all the necessary compliance structures.

This is NOT a program that will teach you how to do bookkeeping.

It is made for bookkeepers who know the essentials of bookkeeping, but need guidance on the business side of things. This program is designed to start or enhance your existing bookkeeping business.

  • 12 modules, each including multiple lessons including videos, worksheets, and templates.

  • Homework assignments to put into action what you have learned during the training during each session.

  • Monthly live Q+A and group coaching sessions

  • Private Facebook group

But don’t just take our word for it…


Take it from bookkeepers just like you:

You May Be Wondering...

Are you ready to finally have the systems in place to grow your bookkeeping business?

Save yourself hours of time researching this on your own. Learn from a professional that’s been in your shoes and now revealing all of her proven methods of success.

Get Started Now!